Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Meet the Blogger

Hey guys, I'm Jess, and a few of you may know me from my tumblr. I'm 19 and I have just moved to the greatest city in the world (hence the name New York at Nineteen). I'm currently living in Brooklyn - until I decide what school I'm going into during the fall. But until then, I'm a Brooklyn girl.

Living here is a dream, 5 months ago I would have said I hated the city and that I would never live here at any point in my life and now I couldn't imagine living anywhere but. This city has given me so many opportunities in the short time I've lived here and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves being in a fast-paced environment.

Throughout my next few blogposts I'm going to talk more about where I live and possibly do an apartment tour, I would like to talk about budgeting, making the move, places I like to go, etc.

Stay tuned and follow me on my miserable and magical adventures in the city that never sleeps.